These digital images show how Cornwall Street in the heart of Birmingham’s Business District could look after Colmore BID’s plans to revitalise the street took a step forward.
The BID’s £1.2 million proposal for a new-look Cornwall Street was given a boost when the Public Realm Board, made up of representatives from Birmingham City Council, Transport for West Midlands and Colmore BID, endorsed the project at a recent meeting.
The plans form part of the BID’s Outstanding Places objective that cares for the physical aspects of the Business District.
A BID is a defined geographical area within which local businesses collaborate to invest in projects, services and initiatives that improve the environment in which they work. BIDs deliver additional services to those provided by local authority and the police.
Cornwall Street is at the heart of the Business District and home to restaurants Zen Metro, Purnell’s and Opus and businesses such as Arcadis.
Bruntwood recently completed its Cornerblock development on the corner of Cornwall Street and Livery Street, bringing 110,000 sq ft of much-needed Grade A workspace to the area.
Colmore BID is leading a public realm project to transform the section of street between New Market Street and Newhall Street to make it more pedestrian friendly with new lighting and seating to stop and dwell.
The street will boast widened pavements to create a fresh and open outdoor environment – blending with the semi-pedestrianised Church Street running back up towards historic Colmore Row.

Key stakeholders and businesses will be consulted early in the project to gather feedback on proposed traffic calming measures, parking and delivery access, the final design and the construction process. Work will be carried out with minimal disruption to the needs of business and visitors to the District.
The project is being supported with a grant from Herbert House Investments, the development vehicle owned by Pimlico Capital, owners of Herbert House, Cornwall Street, currently being converted to create ‘The Lightwell’ apartments.
The digital images show Herbert House and the 71 Cornwall Street building on the corner of Cornwall Street and New Market Street, which is also being refurbished into prime leisure opportunities.
The BID spends a substantial amount of its levy income over its five-year term on permanent, lasting improvements to public spaces.
An example of this is Church Street Square, delivered in partnership with the city council to create a new place to stop and relax in a previously unloved and under-used space.
The BID followed this up with an award-winning project in Colmore Square, creating a popular place to dwell with new soft landscaping and planting, as well as feature-lighting and benches.
Gary Cardin, Chair of Colmore BID, said: “We have chosen to focus on Cornwall Street as we want to see an uplift in that area and this is being matched by new investment in the buildings on the street.
“We are committed to investing in our open spaces and helping to create a more walkable, sustainable and high quality city centre.”
This press release was covered in the Birmingham Post, Express & Star, BusinessDesk, Insider Media, What’s On Live, Brumpic and the Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce.